مدرسة بيلا الاعدادية بنات
مرحبا بالزائر نرجوا ان تقضى وقت ممتع معنا فى المنتدى ونرجوا ان تصبح عضوا فاعلا فى المستقبل
مدرسة بيلا الاعدادية بنات
مرحبا بالزائر نرجوا ان تقضى وقت ممتع معنا فى المنتدى ونرجوا ان تصبح عضوا فاعلا فى المستقبل
مدرسة بيلا الاعدادية بنات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مدرسة بيلا الاعدادية بنات

منتدى تعليمى تربوى يعمل على ربط المدرسة بالتلاميذ واولياء الامور داخل وخارج المدرسة
الرئيسيةمدرسة بيلا الاعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 5229
العمر : 56
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/08/2008

The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water ! Empty
مُساهمةThe wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !

Fire was waiting for the chance to have revenge on water, which always used to extinguish it. In the middle of the Red Sea, the opportunity was available, when the flame of fire dominates the ship and killed many people . Good water could not prevent the people from fire as usual, the thing that it could do for them, is to swallow them to prevent them from fire or to carry them to unknown place till someone saves them.

All kinds of death conspired with fire. People were burned, drowned and suffocated.

The people who survived from fire and drowning, was killed by hunger ,or by sharks.

Sever, bitter and harsh times faced those people who have survived. One of the survivors tells that he survives with a woman and her two children, one is a baby who died on her hands from hunger on the boat, and the other was her daughter who died at the second day at night. They stayed on the boat for three days without food till they were taken by helicopter.

Another dreadful scene was for a child of 12 years old challenges the waves

of the sea for three days alone .This child whose nervous system has not been developed yet to bear these circumstances which the mature man cannot bear. Many times fishes tried to play with him, or sharks may have appeared to him in reality, as he used to draw them and to see them in his books!!!
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The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water ! :: تعاليق

رد: The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !
مُساهمة الجمعة يناير 30, 2009 12:17 pm من طرف Mr.Emad
Allah does not make the sun appear suddenly, but as we observe, it takes awhile to appear. Also, dusk and the darkness of the night doesn't appear suddenly. Allah wants to teach us patience .
Prove that pray extracts it's light from patience.!!!
رد: The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !
مُساهمة السبت مارس 28, 2009 5:19 pm من طرف alymosaad
بارك الله فيك
رد: The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !
مُساهمة الأحد يونيو 07, 2009 5:50 pm من طرف Mr.Mosaad
The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water ! S22110
لـــــــــ( وشكراً )ــــــــــكم
king hegazy
رد: The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !
مُساهمة الخميس يوليو 29, 2010 8:09 am من طرف king hegazy
مشكور جدا

The wrecked ship finished the challenge between fire and water !

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