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مرحبا بالزائر نرجوا ان تقضى وقت ممتع معنا فى المنتدى ونرجوا ان تصبح عضوا فاعلا فى المستقبل
مدرسة بيلا الاعدادية بنات
مرحبا بالزائر نرجوا ان تقضى وقت ممتع معنا فى المنتدى ونرجوا ان تصبح عضوا فاعلا فى المستقبل
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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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منتدى تعليمى تربوى يعمل على ربط المدرسة بالتلاميذ واولياء الامور داخل وخارج المدرسة
الرئيسيةمدرسة بيلا الاعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول



اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 5229
العمر : 56
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/08/2008

Globalization Empty


One of the most basic features of this age is that the world simply has become a small village, where the various cultures meet. The age of boundaries has come to an end, when a simple American product can be seen in a poor village at upper Egypt . Or, a French porno movie on TV, can be watched in a remote small hut in the country side.They are many cultures, but the question is that, which of them will submit, and which of them will control the the other cultures? How to deal with other cultures in the age of globalization ? and what to do in order not to loose our culture. This is what we are going to discuss below.

Since the world has become a small village, where there are many cultures and ideologies, such as secularism, capitalism, imperialism, religious intellect and so on. The problem is that, which of these cultures will submit and which of them will control the other cultures. Certainly, the strongest culture will be the dominant and will control other. None can deny that, America nowadays is the strongest country in the world , since it controls other cultures. It affects deeply on all aspects of life such as the economic life , the political life, the social life and the educational life .

In the political life, America is the axis of evil. It invades other countries, especially the Arabs, pretending that they want to get rid of terrorism, such Arab countries as Iraq, or Islamic countries as Iran. On the other hand, it interferes in the countries' affairs, such as, Iran, Sudan, Palestine, Syria, and Egypt. In the economic life, America claims that it cares for others, as if it was the mother of the world. It interferes in the Arab and Islamic countries' affairs like Palestine, for instance America refuses to support Hamas government, pretending that they are terrorists because they defend their country . Also, it tries to interfere in Darfor.

Moreover, the American media, which makes all people think that America is the only power, which save the world from the bad creatures or aliens, or even those horrible strange creatures from Mars!!. In addition to the misleading news, which it broadcasts. Thus, our culture may be at risk,unless we protect it, namely, we can loose our identity and ideology if we submit to America and follow blindly its culture.

I think globalization has two wings, by which it soars around the world. One wing embodies the things that can be controlled,such as American products, which we can boycott and depend upon local products. Also, the misleading news, which we can stop watching in order not to have the misleading American image in our minds. Namely, it might be successfully argued that religion, law, traditions, and customs represent the the base of our culture. So, we can borrow what is suitable for our culture and we can ignore the other bad elements. On the other hand, the other wing embodies the western media which cannot be controlled, since it has broken in our homes. We should tell our children about the dangers that they may face by the American media.

To conclude, in the age of globalization, when the world has become a small village, controlled by one country or culture. We have to stick to our culture and to like it .
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